The main results
Annually the Institute carries out on the average up to 60 - 80 research
projects, more than 350 technical developments under agreements and contracts
with institutions and companies of NIS and other countries. 27 projects are
financed by the State Foundation of Science and Technology Programs and the
Fundamental Research Foundation as well as by NATO, INTAS, CRDF and Ukrainian
Science and Technology Center. For the years of the Institute's activity,
the members of its staff have been granted 2743 USSR and Ukrainian as well
as 380 foreign patents, 27 licenses for the Institute's developments have been
sold abroad. More than 100 books and 5500 papers in the world leading journals
by the researchers of the Institute have been published. Monographs of the
scientists are published in Japan, China, USA, and France.
The Institute issues the "Sverkhtverdye Materialy" scientific and theoretical
journal (6 issues per year), that in cover-to-cover English translation is
reprinted by Allerton Press Inc. of USA. Since 1997 the "Instrumentalny Svit"
advertising-information journal has been published. The Institute publishes
also collections of scientific papers, preprints, etc.
5 international conferences, symposia and exhibitions on superhard materials
have been held at the Institute. Every year the Institute scientists participate
in international conferences, seminars, symposia, etc., visit world leading
scientific centers in Germany, USA, Japan, France, Italy to do joint work and
to give lectures.
The Institute has been awarded the
"Golden Mercury" (1982)
and "Golden Star -
Arch of Europe" (1998) International Prizes. Researchers of the Institute
have been awarded 20 State Prizes and Prizes in the name of outstanding
Prof. Nickolay V. Novikov, the Institute's Director, was awarded with American
Biographical Institute's Lifetime Achievement Award and The International
Biographical Centre Twentieth Century Award for Achievement.
In recent years the Institute is active in developing R & D
projects for investments.
5 such projects have been submitted in 1998.